

PROALT participates in BIO-Europe® Digital

October 26th, 2020 BIO-Europe is the largest partnering conference in Europe dedicated to the global biotechnology industry. On this occasion, it will be held in digital format from October 26 to 29. The conference brings together delegates from the entire value chain of the biotech industry, who come to event to identify, negotiate and start [...]

26 October 2020|Tags: , |

PROALT participates in AseBio Investor Day 2020

September 28th, 2020 AseBio Investor Day 2020 is a digital event from September 28th to October 1st, organized by the Spanish Association of Bioempresas (AseBio), together with the Biotechnology Market Platform (Ministry of Science), Innovation and Universities, the Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) and the BioVoices project. PROALT will participate in the partnering event and [...]

28 September 2020|Tags: , |

PROFILUX Lung Cancer diagnostic project receives funding from the EU Eurostars Programme and CDTI

April 1st, 2020 The project proposal named ‘PROFILUX – Saliva- and blood-based lung cancer detection based on tumour auto-antibody profiling’ has been selected to receive funding from the EU Eurostars Programme. The company received the official communication in January and the project started on April. The international research consortium where PROALT participates is leaded by [...]

1 April 2020|Tags: , , , , |

Successful start of the clinical validation study of COLODETECT® test

23rd, April 2019 Protein Alternatives S.L. (PROALT) has begun the clinical validation study of its blood-based diagnostic test for colorectal cancer in Luminex® and ELISA-based formats. COLODETECT® test is based on detecting in blood the autoantibodies (AAbs) generated by the human body against proteins related to the colorectal cancer tumor, known as tumor-associated antigens [...]

23 April 2019|Tags: , |

PROALT attended the 9th International Biotechnology Meeting, BIOSPAIN 2018

1st, October 2018 From September 25 to 27, the meeting organized by ASEBIO and the Junta de Andalucía brought together in Seville the largest national and international agents in the biotechnology sector. PROALT has participated in the partnering event and met during these days with investors, customers and potential commercial and technological partners. The company [...]

1 October 2018|Tags: , |
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